Free Herbal Essences Shampoo or Conditioner: First 75,000

Herbal Essences is giving away coupons for free shampoo or conditioner to the first 75,000 people to visit their website and request it. Hurry on over and happy lathering!

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  1. It just says that you guys have registered and wont allow us to register.

  2. Try this link instead:

  3. Not getting the previous link to work either, any suggestions?

  4. I did a Google search for herbalgiveaway and was able to find the link that way (I think it's just It's done for today, but it looks like they're giving away 18,750 free coupons per day from Oct. 8 through 12th (for a total of 75,000), so you can try again for 3 more days still.

  5. Thanks for the heads-up! I replaced it with the new link.

  6. I don't get it. It is supposed to start over at 11:30 EST which is 9:30 MST. And yet every time I go to the link it says the giveaway is over. Any suggestions?

  7. I don't get it! It says that the giveaway starts at 11:30 EST every evening, but when I go to it, it just says the giveaway is over. Any suggestions?

  8. Stephanie:

    Are you going at EXACTLY the starting time? This deal is really hot, so it's likely that the daily allotment is getting scooped up pretty quickly.

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