What’s Worth the Money?

Yes, I love to use coupons. I find thrills off getting freebies and super great deals. People ask me all the time, “Do you ever shop without coupons? “

YES, people. I do. 🙂
Let’s face it. There are many things that cost you money. Good money. And many of those things are WORTH spending the money on! Granted you can still try to find the best deal on those things…however, sometimes it’s worth it to spend some money on items that are better for you or that make life better. And those items are different for everyone.

These are some items that for me, are worth spending money on.

I buy clear aloe vera gel for me. I use it as hair gel. It might sound a little weird. I have naturally curly hair which tends to get dry. This gel not only keeps it hydrated but it does it without adding any other harmful chemicals or alcohol to my hair. I have been using it on my hair for a few years now and I won’t use anything else. I ♥ it!

Our family has always been high dental maintenance. If you want to know where all our money goes, look into my mouth. (Plus we don’t have dental insurance so it can add up fast). But since getting Sonicare toothbrushes three years ago I have not had one cavity! Not one! That is a big deal around here. My teeth have been healthier and stronger since using them too. Both my husband and I use them. I will be getting them for my kids soon. I ♥ Sonicare!

I wish I would have known about Certain Dri in high school. Ever since finding this lovely product my sweating problem has almost completely gone away. I swear by this stuff…and I don’t travel without it either. I ♥ it!

I know that Lysol wipes aren’t the cheapest item, but I have to have these on hand. I try to buy them on sale but if I can’t I am willing to pay for them. Usually at Costco. It is just so convenient to wipe down a mess in the bathroom, kitchen or garbage can. I don’t know what I would do without them. I ♥ these too!

Some other items that are worth spending money on for my family:

  • fresh produce
  • Shout Color Catchers (these are amazing…and have saved my laundry many times!)
  • Mountain High Yogurt
  • new mattresses
  • a good router (we went through several cheap ones)

What is worth spending money on for you and your family?

Related Products from Amazon


  1. Organic produce

  2. Swiffer Wet-Jet is "worth the money" for me. I know I could clean my floor for a lot less than what the Swiffer products cost, but for me it's worth it to make a job I HATE so much easier. It's my one household splurge and I load up when I see a sale, coupon, or rebate (which still doesn't make them all that cheap, either).

  3. Thats great! I love using aloe on my hair and as a face moisturizer.

    You didn't ask, but I thought I would share (you probably already have it):
    We actually didn't have dental insurance for a long time, and something that saved me TONS of money was the "Aetna Dental Access" discount plan. It's worth looking into! It's nearly half off all services if you pay cash then and there, and most offices accept it now.

  4. Definitely a good mattress! Since we laid down a large pile of cash for ours my back has felt so much better!
    good cookware
    appliances & electronics
    special occasions
    Huggies wipes, yes more expensive, but this is what I buy even if it's not on sale because they're just more effective than the generic

  5. I'm so with you on cleaning wipes!

  6. a massage every few months!

  7. Every two or three years, while my husband is out of town, I splurge on a cleaning service to do my bathrooms – which I HATE to do. They get them real clean, and I feel like spending so much time being thrifty earns me this bit of spoiling.

  8. Cool idea for the hair!! My daughter has curly hair, I'm going to give this a try!

  9. Pampered Chef baking stones. I give parties to get them for less, but they are my right hand in my kitchen!

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