How to Save Money on Jeans

jeansEveryone loves to wear jeans whether it is just to go out with friends, or just to relax around the house. The problem with jeans is that no matter what kind you buy, the cost for a good pair of them can be quite high. Here are some tips on how to save money on jeans no matter what kind you like to wear.

#1. Consider buying dark jeans.

The lighter the jeans, the more likely it is that the jeans have been washed many times and treated with chemicals. The process can weaken the material, and the jeans will not last more than a few months. If darker jeans are bought, the material will not be treated, which will mean they will last a lot longer.

#2. Buy jeans during the summer.

When the weather turns hot, the last thing you want to do is wear thick and heavy denim. Because everyone wears shorts in the summer, stores are more than likely to put their inventory of jeans on sale. You can get a great deal on jeans especially as the weather gets hotter.

#3. Thrift stores carry donated clothing including jeans.

You can find a lot of jeans if you check out your local thrift stores. During different seasons, people love to clean out their closets, and donate all the clothes they no longer want to wear, which includes jeans. You can get jeans for as little as five dollars a pair of even less, which is a lot cheaper than what department stores charge for jeans.

#4. Discount stores have all clothing for great prices.

Discount stores are similar to thrift stores except that the clothes are not donated, but brand new. While the prices are not as long as thrift stores, there are more options for the kinds of jeans that are sold. You may not find designer jeans at a discount store, but you can still get pairs of jeans for a pretty affordable price.

#5. Checking the label for denim blended with other material.

Another way to pay a lower price for a pair of jeans is to check the label. Denim can be blended with other material, and that will equal a lower price than just straight denim. Also, denim mixed with another material will ensure that the jeans will last a lot longer.

#6. Put the jeans in the freezer.

Though it may sound like a strange thing to do, many denim companies insist that washing jeans in a washing machine does nothing but damage the denim.  By putting the jeans in an airtight bag, the cold will kill any bacteria, and if there are stains or spots, you are better off just using spot remover or stain remover.  Many people swear by this freezing technique, and swear that they have had the same pairs of jeans for years all because they use the freezer cleaning technique. The denim is preserved, and the jeans still look and fit great despite being stored in the freezer, which will mean not having to buy jeans very often and saving you a lot of money.

5 Tips For Saving Money On Shaving

shavingEvery morning, millions of men get up, roll out of bed, and start their hygienic routines that they practice every day. One part of their routine is to shave their face, and men spend a ton of money every year on razors the help tame their beads. There are ways to take the sting out of shaving, and here are some ways to make using razors more affordable.

#1. Keep the razor blades sharp.

The number one reason why men throw away their razors, and go shopping for new ones, is the fact that their blades are not sharp anymore. However, there are ways for men to keep their razors longer, and that is by sharpening the blades. The easiest way to sharpen the blade is to use a pair of old jeans. By running the razor blade over the denim in two different directions, the blade will be sharpened and will continue to do its job.

#2. Dry the razor off after every shaving.

A wet razor can equal a dull razor because the water on the steel blade can make it start to get rusty. Every time the razor is used, it should be rinsed off, and then dried off and stored somewhere to ensure it will be kept dry.

#3. Clean the blade every day.

There are some men who shave, and then just simply set the razor blade back in its case for use tomorrow. The problem is that hair, skin, and shaving cream, can affect the blade. The blade can begin to get corroded because of the chemicals in the shaving cream, and there are special machines that men can buy that can blast the blade to make sure that it is clean.  There are also cleaning sprays available that can make sure the blade is clean because using just plain hot water is not enough.

#4. Coupons can offer huge savings.

Weekly coupons come in the Sunday paper, and men can sit down and go through those coupons. There should be coupons for razors among them, and with them, men can save a lot of money.  The biggest savings can be on replacement blades, which can sometimes cost more money than a brand new razor.

#5. Look into shaving clubs.

Shaving clubs can offer men discounts on razors. Like a coffee club, men will be given the option of buying blades for a certain price. Another great things about shaving clubs is that men can schedule to have razor blade delivered right to their home every month, which will save them a lot of money on having to go out to the store and get more blades. Men can get nice discounts on the blades, and there are also other incentives to join one of these clubs such as free gifts, and coupons that men can use at stores for anything including razors. All men need to do is do a little research into these shaving clubs, then pick the right one for them, and then saving money on their razors can start right away.

Saving Money On Toys

toy shoppingKids love toys, and if they watch any of the more popular kid channels, they are going to see tons of toy commercials every day. Kids want all the neatest toys that they see commercials about, and parents are going to hear about it until the toy is bought.  However, there are ways for kids to have great toys without it costing mom and dad a lot of money.

#1. Check the newspaper for garage sale advertisements.

The spring and summer is the biggest garage sales seasons there are because the weather is so nice, and the warm weather encourages everyone to leave their homes and go shopping. Garage sales can be a great place for parents to get rid of the toys their children are no longer interested in. Remember that old saying; some people’s trash can be other people’s treasure.

#2. Online auctions offer everything including toys.

There are many websites that offer auctions, and people who do not want to take the time and effort to have a garage sale can end up putting their toys up for sale on an online auction. With an auction, people can get a description of the toy, what condition it is in, and the cost to send it to the winner’s home.

#3. Craigslist can have toys for sale.

Craigslist has local listings for pretty much anything including toys. The best thing about Craigslist is the fact that everything is local, which means that the buyer and seller can exchange text messages or emails, then meet up and make the deal.

#4. Thrift stores have toys that have been donated.

Shopping at thrift store can offer parents the chance to buy toys that other parents want to give away because they cannot sell them at garage sales or their children are simply bored with them. The toys may not be in the best shape because children can be rough on toys, but they will still be good enough to play with for quite some time.

#5. Look into toy swapping.

Parents more than likely have made friends with other parents, and when the kids all play together, this is the perfect chance for a toy swap. Make a play date, and have all the kids bring at least one toy, and when all the kids play together, there is a good chance that the kids will be perfectly happy playing with someone else’s toy.  If the children meet up on a regular basis to play together, then a toy swap can take place, and kids get a chance to play with someone else’s toys for a week or two.

#5. Introduce children to simpler toys.

These days, children love to play with fancy toys with a lot of electronics and flashing lights. However, there are a lot of simple toys that can give children a lot more pleasure than something electronic. Parents can show their children old fashioned toys they grew up with, and children can put their imagination to the test, which can offer them a lot more fun then something electronic that requires batteries.

How to Save Money On Toilet Paper

toilet paperToilet paper is something that everyone uses, but the prices on toilet paper can be quite high.  However, there are ways to save money on toilet paper, but still get one of the biggest necessities that every family needs on a daily basis. Scroll down to check out the tips I have for you.

#1. Decide on what brand the family prefers.

There are dozens of brands of toilet paper on the market, but a family may like a particular brand and decide to stick with it. If a family does not know what they prefer, then several brands can be tried until everyone in the family agrees on one kind. Once a preferred brand is found, it is time to start looking for the lowest possible price on that brand.

#2. Watch for sales from local grocery store.

In some places, the weekly advertisements for grocery stores arrive on a particular day of the week, which is usually a Monday or a Tuesday. With these advertisements, different stores will have different things on sale that week, and one of them is sure to have toilet paper at a reduced price. A great sale would be to buy one get one free, or buy one package of toilet paper and get another for 50 percent off is another good way to save a lot of money.

#3. Toilet paper in bulk can offer big savings.

There are a lot of warehouse stores that have a giant package of toilet paper. The best way to figure out if the price is good is to check to see how many rolls are in the package and then divide it by the price to see how much it is per roll. The lower the price per roll, the bigger the savings will be, which is going to equal a lot of money saved, and with a bigger package, the toilet paper can last for quite a while.

#4. Check to see the square footage on the packaging.

One of the best ways to see if the price of toilet paper is good is to check and see how much square footage the total number of rolls equals. Paying just pennies for each square foot is going to mean that the family will save money, and each toilet paper roll will last a lot longer than a day or two in the bathroom.

#5. Check online for bulk toilet paper deals.

Manufacturers may offer bulk toilet paper online that is an even better deal with local grocery stores or even a local warehouse store.  Bulk stores can have a great sale to reduce their inventory, and a family can get a lot of toilet paper for a really inexpensive price. The toilet paper can then be shipped to their home, and then put in a safe place. Also with online stores, registering with that store can mean getting sent special coupons for things like a percentage off of a purchase, a dollar amount saved, or even an incentive to sign up others like free shipping on the next order.

How to Save Money On Gift Wrapping

Gift WrappingEvery special occasion calls for a nice gift, and yo love to shop for gifts, but you hate to shop for the wrapping paper because it is always pretty expensive, and you are not fond of using gift bags. There are ways for you to save on gift wrapping:

#1. Newspaper.

The best paper to use for gift wrapping is the Sunday paper because there is a separate section that is used for the comics. A fun paper to use to wrap gifts would be the comics, and once the gift is opened, it also provides reading material for whoever gets the gift.

#2. Magazines.

The shiny papers that magazines are made of make a great gift wrapping because they are so shiny. The paper is also of a thicker quality, which makes it ideal for being able to take the folding and tape that will go with wrapping a gift.

#3. Tissue paper.

When a gift is given inside a gift bag, there is usually tissue paper used to help conceal what is inside the bag. The paper is usually folded or crinkled up, but it can be straightened out by just ironing it and reusing it as gift wrapping.

#4. Brown paper bags.

Shopping bags made of plastic are now being recycled in many different ways, and one way to recycle the paper bags are to use them for gift wrapping.  A great idea for a child’s party is to use plain brown paper bags, and then to let the child color the outside of the gift with crayons and markers or to use glitter and even stickers. The gift will look really cute and shiny, and the child getting it will appreciate it even more.

#5. Ask friends for old wrapping paper.

Sometimes people have rolls of gift wrapping paper that they have forgotten about. Once they find those old rolls of paper, they may gift them away, but now is the chance for that old paper to be put to good use. It does not matter how old wrapping paper is, it can still be used as long as it does not fall apart the moment it is touched.

#6. Turn Christmas paper inside out.

People always buy way too much wrapping paper for Christmas, and end up with rolls of it left after Christmas is over, but they do not want to just throw the paper away. The Christmas paper can be used to wrap gifts for any occasion because it can be turned inside out with the white side exposed.  A plain white gift can then be decorated in many different ways to match the occasion like with stickers that say Happy Birthday or whatever else the occasion may be.

#7. Material or cloth.

A creative way to wrap a gift would be to use cloth or material. A really clever way would be to use something like dish towels for a small gift, or even old towels that people are about to cut up and turn into wash clothes or cleaning rags.

7 Ways To Save Money On Getting a Haircut

HaircutEveryone has hair that needs to be cut every few months or so, but these days, a simple salon does not really exist anymore. The price of haircuts can be high, but there are ways that you can still get a great haircut for a lot less money:

#1. Cut your own hair with an at home kit.

There are many at home kits that are available to buy for around $30 to $40 dollars. With these kits, you can save a lot on the haircuts not only for yourself, but for every member of your family as well.

#2. Check out a beauty school.

Every major city has a beauty school, and when those students reach the rank of junior and senior, they are allowed to practice their skills on the general public. You can get such things as a haircut, a hair dye, facial, manicure, and pedicure, for a lot lower than a regular salon because you are truly helping students learn and get a chance to practice their skills before they graduate and go work for a salon or even open their own.

#3. Stay away from hair dryers and curling irons.

There are ways that you can damage your hair, which will require the damaged parts to be cut off. Anything involving heat like hair dryers, curling irons, and flat irons, can damage the hair to the point where it splits. After so many uses of these heat producing products, the hair may be so damaged that it has to be cut. By staying away from heat products, the hair will be healthier and need to be cut a lot less often.

#4. Use coupons for discounts on hair style.

Local hair salons may be in desperate need of getting customers, and may offer coupons that get printed in the newspaper, or may even have a special day where they offer discounts on things like haircuts and hair dying.

#5. Check online for coupons.

There are many major haircut chains that want to lure customers to them. Typically, when people find a great hair salon, they keep that salon for a very long time especially if they really like the way their hair style came out. Coupon websites can offer printable coupons from major haircut chains, and you can end up saving a certain percentage off of the haircut or a dollar amount.

#6. Consider donating your hair.

Cancer patients who are going through treatment end up losing their hair and need to wear a wig. The best wigs are made of real human hair, and it is from people who have donated it. People who donate their hair get a free haircut out of the deal, and wig makers get more human hair to make fashionable wigs.

#7. Consider being a hair model.

Hair models work with professional salons, and they are used to show off a variety of different style and hair colors.  If you do decide to become a hair model, you will be subjected to a lot of different styles and colors, which can be a lot of fun and give you a fresh look often.

Keeping Your Home Clean For Less Money

home cleanYou want your house to be clean, and also as germ-free as possible, but the problem is that cleaning products are not cheap. However, there are ways for you to keep your house both clean and free of bacteria and germs for a lot less money than you expect, and here are those ways to keep your house clean for a lot less money:

#1. Clip coupons every week.

Typically, the Sunday paper has all the advertisements for the week from various stores including the ones that sell groceries. When spring comes, manufacturers know that people tend to clean more, and issue coupons that can offer substantial savings on cleaning supplies of every kind. Using these manufacturers coupons, at the grocery store, can end up saving you a lot of money on your favorite cleaning products.

#2. Check out dollar stores.

There are many stores in which everything is a dollar, and while you may scoff at the idea of going to a dollar store because they offer cheap products, the fact is that not everything that comes from a dollar store is bad.  While food items may be questionable to buy from a dollar store, the fact is that cleaning supplies are a bargain because they are name brands, but for only a dollar per item. You could easily get every cleaning product you love and only spend a few dollars.

#3. Consider creating your own cleaning products.

There are some items in your pantry that when combined together, they can turn into great ways to keep your home clean. The two more popular items that you can use to keep your house spotless, and germ-free, are white vinegar and baking soda.  The vinegar has ingredients in it that will naturally kill germs and bacteria, and combined with vinegar, the kitchen and bathroom especially will be spotless.

#4. Buy the store brand version of cleaning products.

While you might have your heart set on the name brand cleaning products, the fact is that the store brand version of the same products have the exact same ingredients, but can cost a lot less money. You can even look at the labels and see that the ingredients are virtually identical, so you may be paying less money, but you will not be compromising the health of your family.

#5. Look into concentrated cleaners at janitorial supply stores.

Janitorial supply stores provide concentrated versions of the same cleaning products that you can find at the store. By buying concentrated cleaning products, you can dilute them down to a normal strength, and they will last for a lot longer because you are able to make more of the product right at home once you run out.

#6.  Buy cleaning supplies from estate sales.

When people die, their families often have an estate sale, and with these sales, everything in the house is for sale including the cleaning products. While it may seem strange to buy cleaning products at an estate sale, but the fact is you can get a lot of cleaning supplies for very little money.

6 Cheap Ways To Furnish Your Apartment

apartmentYou are finally living on your own now, and you are anxious to get into your first apartment. However, while you are working hard to save every penny, you do not have very much to spare when it comes to how you will furnish your apartment, but there are ways to get the furniture you need without going broke:

#1. Check out garage sales.

The warm weather means that everyone will be looking to get rid of junk and have garage sales. Furniture is one of the biggest items that people sell, and this is your chance to really get some great bargains on things like a TV stand, a couch, or even an entire bedroom set.

#2. Thrift stores offer cheap goods for sale.

Thrift stores are stocked with items that people donate. If garage sales fail to sell big pieces of furniture, they end up donating them to charitable organizations that then turn around and sell them at a small price. For a lot less money, you can find stuff to fill up your apartment including things like sheets, dishes, shelves, and other items.

#3. The Internet can be a useful tool.

If you really do not feel like going out and searching stores and going to garage sales, then you can always use the Internet. Forums can offer places for people to give away stuff, and if you have no luck on there you can always try Craigslist. People are trying to make money any way they can, and you can go on Craigslist, and get everything you need without having to spend a lot of money.

#4. Speak to friends and family.

You are a young person struggling to make ends meet, and with your new apartment, there may be people in your family that are willing to help you.  By going to friends and family, you can ask them if there is anything they no longer want or need, and if there is, can you have it. Remember, family and friends want to get rid of junk too, and you willing to take it, will be helping them out in a big way and yourself as well.

#5. Try going to your local church.

People often donate things to their church, but after a while, the church too will be looking to give stuff away they do not have the room for, or are just no longer interested in keeping. Remember, churches have people that live on the grounds like the priests and nuns, and they too look to get rid of their own junk from time to time.

#6.  Go for a drive around different neighborhoods.

When people just want to throw things away, or get rid of something they no longer want, sometimes they set things out on the curb in front of their house. If you happen to spot something you want, like a couch, chair, or a desk, all you have to do is pull over and pick it up.  You may wait until the sun goes down, but that may be too late especially if the item left outdoors is in good shape.

How to Save Money On Braces and Other Orthodontist Services

Save on BracesBoth children and adults are born with teeth that may come in crooked. After a trip to the dentist, there may be a recommendation that an appointment with an orthodontist be made for braces. Braces can be expensive, but there are ways to save money on these services:

#1. Think about what the problem really is.

When going to see an orthodontist, that dental professional may only want to use something like braces or a mouthpiece to correct a simple problem like slightly crooked teeth. However, is a simple problem really worth the time, hassle, and expense? Slightly crooked teeth are really not a big deal, and if your child has no problems with it, then why put them through that when there are other ways that you and your family can use that money?

#2. It is never too early to start treatment.

You child’s pediatrician may recommend that you start taking your child to the dentist as early as when they first get their first teeth. Though it may seem strange to take a very young baby to a pediatric dentist, they do exist, and preventative care is always the best way to make sure that there are no problems in the future.

#3. Do some comparison shopping to get the best deal possible.

If one orthodontist gives you a price for orthodontist services, you need to remember that they are not the only office in town. Competition to get patients is always tough, and there are offices out there that may be willing to lower the cost of services, like braces, especially if they hear that you are looking at other offices.

#4. Look for coupons for certain services.

Though it may sound strange, the fact is that there are coupons available for anything these days including for things like braces, veneers, and other services that orthodontists offer. If a new orthodontist comes to town, this may present the perfect opportunity because they may offer very special discounts if people choose to sign up with them and become a patient.

#5. Talk to the office manager about a deal if you are able to pay cash.

If you have ever gone to a car dealership to buy a car, if you mention that you can pay cash for the car, the salesman will perk right up because cash is one of the best and easiest ways for them to sell a car. The same may be true for the orthodontist, and other dental professionals, because if you tell them you can pay for part of the services in cash, then they may be willing to lower the price for you.

#6.  Dental expenses can be written off of taxes.

The Federal government allows for medical expenses to be written off, but the problem is that you may not have had enough to really count. However, if you do have to use the service of an orthodontist for yourself, and your children as well, you are sure to have enough to actually deduct from your taxes, which means you will get a big chunk of money coming back to you that can be used for something else.

How Buying White Towels and Linens Can Save Money

White TowelsPeople spend a lot of time decorating the rooms in your house including both of your bathrooms and each one of your bedrooms. However, the last step is for you to buy sheets and towels for those newly decorated rooms, but before you go spending your money on fancy towels and sheets that will match your decorating style, you really should considering just buying pure white for the following reasons:

#1. The color white goes with everything.

The color white is wonderful because of the fact that it actually does match with every color and style. You may be trying to find a good color to match every color you used to decorate with, but that may take you a long time, and if you used a unique color, it may be very hard for you to find the exact color. White may seem simple, but the fact is that it does go with anything, and that can save you a lot of time and effort.

#2. White linen is the most available color anywhere.

You do not have to spend a lot of gas driving from one retail store to another trying to find something you like. However, with white, the good news is that it is available pretty much anywhere, which will make finding what you need very easy.

#3. White will not cause any allergic reactions.

With anything white, the linens and towels are more hypo-allergenic. Family members may have allergies, and anything can cause them to start breaking out in hives, itching, and sneezing.  White means pure, and that will definitely be the case with the towels and linens that you and your family will use on a daily basis.

#4. White items tend to be a lot cheaper than any other color.

You will save a lot of money because white linens and towels are the cheapest to buy no matter where you go. Many people really are not fond of white because they find it to be too boring, so stores constantly have white items on sale simply to get people to buy them. White towels and sheets can be half the cost of other colors, which means you can really stock up on them and save.

#5. White can always be bleached out.

After time, colored towels will start to fade out and become discolored. The towels will start to become so ugly that eventually the towels will have to be replaced, which will cost you more money. However, if you buy white towels, they can constantly look their best because if they do happen to get stained, bleach will be able to take away any stain.  With a bottle of bleach, a set of white towels can last a long time, which will save you a lot of money.

#6.  White towels can be recycled.

If white towels do get holes in them, they can then be turned into clean rags that can still be used around the house. The rags can be used to wash windows, and dust furniture, so those old holey towels will still be useful around the house for a long time to come.

How to Save Money on College Textbooks

Coillege TextbooksMany people want to make their lives better, and the best way to do that would be to get an education. College is expensive, and it can be even more so when it comes to buying textbooks. Some colleges have textbooks that can be over $100 dollars, but there are ways for people to save money on going back to school and getting the books they need for their classes.

#1. Check out the library for the books that are needed.

Depending on the class, the library can be the best place to get books for classes. When people check out the books they need, they do have a couple of options. The first option would be for people to just keep checking out the book until the class is over, which is typically 16 weeks, or people can check the book out once, and either copy it or scan it, both of which are a lot cheaper than buying the book.

#2. Used bookstores can have college textbooks.

A book is a book, and sometimes people clean out their closets and take their college textbooks to bookstores so they can sell them for a little money. A trip to used bookstores in town can be worth it because they may be a source of books that people can use for higher education.

#3. Check out garage sales.

One of the biggest items that people sell at garage sales are books, including the ones that they used for taking classes. A big book that cost over $100 dollars at the college can be found at a neighbor’s garage sale for only a few dollars.

#4. Look online for books to buy.

When it comes time for people to sell their books back, the college can only offer less than 50 percent of what was paid for the book, and for people who dropped a lot of money for books, this can be very frustrating so they decide to tell their books back in another way.  There are websites that have classified advertisements where people can list their books for sale, or even offering books in trade, but either way, they are worth checking out and can offer huge savings.

#5. Check out auction websites.

A popular auction website like EBay, has a special section that is dedicated to books, and even a section that is just for college textbooks. With these auction websites, people can find exactly what they are looking for including the newest edition of the book, or an older edition that the professor may allow.

#6.  Renting books from special websites.

To help ease the cost of college, there are now special websites that provide electronic copies of college textbooks, or allow students to rent the hard copies of the books. The website will charge only a fraction of the cost, ship the book to them, and when the class is over, the student will be able to print out a return label and mail the book back. With this option, the student can get all the books they need sent right to their homes, or just download them, and then return them once they are done with the class.

Saving Money on Pest Control Services

Pst ControlWhen the warmer weather comes, the bugs start to come out, and going to your kitchen after dark can be an adventure when the lights get turned on. You know you need to do something about the bugs, but calling a pest control service can be expensive. However, there are ways for you to save money on pest control, and you will also get rid of the bugs in your house just as effectively.

#1. Trim all trees and shrubs around the outside of your house.

Bugs live in the plant life in your yard, and if you let them grow wild, the chances are that the branches will end up coming in contact with your house. By keeping all plant life cut back, the bugs will stay on the plant life and not have access to your home.

#2. Fill in all cracks and holes.

Now is the time for you to do an inspection of your home to look for things like cracks and holes. Even the tiniest crack can let bugs into your home, and by sealing up those holes, you will keep the bugs from getting in your walls.

#3. Remove and replace bad wood.

Over time, the wood on the outside of your home can get old and start to crack or rot away. Weak wood will not put up much a defense against bugs, and by finding it, sealing it up or taking it out, bugs will not be able to get into your home and make a nest.

#4. Make sure there are no puddles in your yard.

If you have a concern about mosquitoes, then you need to make sure that there are no puddles in your yard. Also, if you do have a bird bath or a fountain, then you need to make sure it is clean, and the water should be changed out every day to make sure that it is not being used as a breeding ground for insects.

#5. Put food in air tight containers.

The simple cardboard containers that food is kept in are not 100 percent bug proof. The best way to keep the bugs out of your food, and to make it last longer, is to put it in air tight containers. There are many different kinds of containers to keep the air out of your food, but plastic with a seal is the best way. By sealing the food up, air will not get into it and make it stale, and bugs cannot eat the food and then thrive.

#6.  Keep the kitchen clean.

Food will bring in more than just bugs, but also rodents too. After every meal, the kitchen should be cleaned thoroughly, and all food should be disposed of. Once the kitchen is clean, the trash should also be taken out and placed in a sealed trash can. Also, food should not be taken to any room of the house because food left in rooms will also attract bugs and mice to bedrooms. Once mice and bugs find a source of food, they are very difficult to get rid of.

8 Tips to Save Money On Gas

Save on gasThe price of gas is going higher and making it harder to go anywhere in the car. However, there are ways that you can save money every time you fill up at the gas station. Interested in making your dollar stretch more for every gallon you pump? Here are some ways to save money on gas:

#1. Establish a routine when it’s time for gas.

Some people wait until the low fuel light comes on in order to get gas, but that is going to force you to find the gas station closest to you, which can end up costing you more than necessary. If you decide to get gas every time you hit the quarter tank mark, then that will give you the time to find the cheapest gas station in town and save money.

#2. Take advantage of cell phone technology.

Cell phone are only getting smarter, and now there are apps available to help you find gas stations that are in your area, and can even map out the most efficient way to get there.

#3. Regular maintenance helps cars run better.

Studies have shown that people who do take their cars in regularly for oil changes and tune ups are going to save money at the gas station, because their cars will run a lot more efficiently.

#4. Grocery stores have reward programs for gas.

Some grocery stores have a special rewards program in which you can earn coupons that can be used at their own gas pumps, or they have an affiliation with a gas company. For every dollar you spend at the store, you can earn gas cards or coupons for things like a nickel or dime off of every gallon of gasoline you buy.

#5. Do not carry anything on the roof of your car.

Though this may sound like strange advice, the truth is that hauling anything on the roof of your car is going to make your car less aero dynamic, which will make the engine work harder. When it comes to transporting things, the best place to carry it is in the trunk or even hauling it behind your car on a small trailer.

#6.  Use the air conditioner as little as possible.

During the summertime, the first thing you do is get into their cars and crank up the air conditioner, but using it can actually cause you to use more gas. Opening the windows on a hot day to let in the breeze is a great way to stay cool and keep you from using too much gas.

#7. Use a credit card that offers cash back.

Some credit cards have point systems, and may even offer you something like double or triple points every time you fill up their car.

#8. Use online shopping as much as possible.

Using the Internet can come in handy because you can buy things from stores and have them shipped to your home instead of having to get into the car and head to the mall, and with free shipping available on most orders, you can save even more money.

12 Fun Things Teens Can Do in the Summer That are Budget-Friendly

Summer TeenThis post is going to be mostly geared towards teenagers themselves or parents that have a teenager. Trust me, as a parent, you probably have your teen coming up to you all the time and telling you how bored they are. If this is the case, below I’m going to list some things that teens can do to have some fun in the sun this summer and these things are also budget-friendly.

#1. Make your own ice cream.

Ice cream is a summer time staple, but have you ever thought about making your own? If not, you should consider it, because homemade ice cream tastes amazing and it’s not expensive to make. Plus, it will give you something to do.

#2. Have a garage sale.

This will give you the chance to de-clutter your room, plus you’ll make a few extra bucks in the process. You could use the extra money to go shopping for new clothes, go to a movie, etc…

#3. See a movie in theaters.

Call up some of your friends and see if they want to go to the theater and watch a flick with you. You’ll have a great time, especially if the movie is in 3D.

#4. Go to the beach.

The beach is always fun and it’s completely free. Invite some friends to go with you to the beach and you’ll have an even better time.

#5. Get a job.

A job will give you something to do and you’ll make some cash.

#6. Go for a hike.

Why not explore some hiking trails in your area? Once again, you could invite some friends to go with you.

#7. Go to the park or a playground.

I don’t care how old you get, you can still have some fun at a playground or a park.

#8. Start your own garden.

Why not start your own garden and grow your own food? A garden can be a great way to get some exercise and it will also put you in a better mood.

#9. Go to the mall.

Why not just go to the mall and walk around for a little while? No one says you have to have money to go to the mall. Also, you could invite some friends to accompany you.

#10. Hop in a pool.

Do you have a pool at your home? If so, you could jump right in it. If not, you could maybe ask one of your friends that have a pool if they would like to go swimming. If  all else fails, you could always go to a public pool.

#11. Have a sleep over.

Invite some of your friends over to your house and have a sleep over. You could watch movies together, play video games, board games, etc…

#12.  Make your own movie.

Do you have access to a camera? If so, you could try getting some of your friends together and making your own movie.

8 Tips to Stop Spending So Much Money on Food

Mixed race woman grocery shoppingAs you all now, I’m big on frugality and saving food. First of all, food waste is horrible, because there are people out there in the world that are starving. Secondly, when you have to throw out food, it’s like you’re throwing out money. Once again, I’m going to bring you another topic that will help solve both problems. I am going to give you some tips that will help you to stop spending so much money on food and these tips will also help you cut down on the amount of food that you waste. That being said, let’s get started.

#1. Make a List of Meals

It’s important that you make a list of meals you plan to make. Next, you need to go through your pantry and refrigerator to see what ingredients you could incorporate into your meals and which ones you don’t have. Next, make a list of the items you need from the grocery store.

#2. Stop Buying So Much Food in General

If you’re like most Americans, you probably go on a shopping trip weekly or maybe even bi-weekly. In other words, you’re buying enough food to last you the whole week or maybe even two weeks in advance. Buy things that you actually need to prepare your meals, rather than buying things on a whim. Try to stick to the items you’ve marked down on your menu / grocery list.

#3. Clean Your Refrigerator

It’s important that you clean your refrigerator and make sure that it’s not all cluttered up. Having a cluttered fridge will make you forget about things you have in your fridge and you may not consume these items before their expiration date.

#4. Rearrange Your Refrigerator after Grocery Shopping

It’s important that you put all of your new items you purchased in the back of the fridge and bring the older items to the front. That way, you’ll be more likely to use up the older items before they expire.

#5. Make Banana Nut Bread

I buy bananas every time I go out to the store, but bananas go bad fairly quickly if you’re not careful. When bananas get bad, I have an amazing banana nut bread recipe that I employ. That way, I don’t have to throw the bananas out.

#6. Use Your Old Bread for French Toast

Bread is another thing that goes stale fairly quick. When this begins to happen, I get out the French toast recipe and that’s what my family has for breakfast.

#7. Don’t Follow Expiration Dates

Okay, so you can’t ignore expiration dates completely, but you shouldn’t put all of your trust in them. Expiration dates are typically very generous, so if something is “expired” it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s bad.

#8. Use Smaller Plates

Smaller plates will encourage you to dish out smaller portions of food. If someone needs to, they can get up and refill their plate. With bigger plates, you run the risk of serving more than you and/or your family members will eat.

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