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More Dollar Store Deals!

dollar store deals
Yesterday I talked about dollar stores. I talked about how sometimes I think dollar stores get a bad reputation because of the kinds of stories people tell about shopping at dollar stores. We’ve all seen or heard of horrible purchases people made at dollar stores. Dollar store purchases have a bad reputation for being low quality. I mentioned that I believe not everything at the dollar store is low quality. I think there are lots of dollar store deals. I mentioned a few of my favorite party supplies yesterday but there are so many more dollar store deals.


Dollar store inventory and deals do vary from store to store. My local dollar store has lots of things for parties and celebrations. They also have a lot of great other things. Some of my favorites may not be available at your dollar store; it is worth a visit to check out their inventory. These are some of the things I have found to be a few more of my favorite dollar store deals.


Bins and Baskets
I love getting all sorts of cute plastic bins to organize items, store items and to use for gift giving. You can’t beat a cute container for just one dollar. Cute little plastic bins filled with shredded paper make a fun presentation when giving gifts. Giving a gift card seems more fun when you do something cute like this. I love using the dollar bins to organize toys, craft supplies, and anything my kids have that needs controlling. I love using the bins and baskets to store things in my kitchen and to organize my pantry. Bins and baskets are great dollar store deals.


Kids’ Craft Supplies
If you know kids then you know how they like to doing almost anything craft related. Kids love to cut, glue, color, stamp, stick, you name it. When you get your supplies at the dollar store you can afford to let them craft to their heart’s content. If you are like me, when your kids use up three dollars’ worth of supplies in an hour you will feel a bit happier than if they use up twelve dollars’ worth of supplies in an hour. Kids’ craft supplies are great dollar store deals.


Cups and Glassware
These dollar store deals are ones you may have not thought of before. I love getting cups, glassware and even water bottles at our local dollar store. The plastic cups and water bottles my kids use seem to get lost and damaged easily so spending just one dollar seems like a great idea to me. I also have bought drinking glasses at dollar stores before with a lot of success. They even seem to be sturdier in some cases. (I do try to avoid glasses with printing or designs on the glass.) Cups and glassware can be really useful dollar store deals.


Kitchen Utensils
Have you ever looked at the kitchen utensils at your local dollar store? Mine has a great selection and they are really handy dollar store deals. There are pot holders, can openers, utensils, dishpans, and so much more. Sometimes these items are ones that you replace often so spending just one dollar make them true dollar store deals.


Other Kitchen Containers
My local dollar store has Tupperware-like storage containers for putting leftovers in the fridge or for storing items in the pantry. The containers at my local dollar store are nice quality and some are brand names. So inexpensive! These containers are yet another of my favorite dollar store deals.


Is dollar store shopping sounding better each day? Stay tuned this week for more dollar store deals and tips!

Dollar Store Bargains!

dollar store bargains


We all hear so much about dollar stores, lots of good and lots of bad. Let’s face it, there are all sorts of stories about shopping at dollar stores. Sometime I think the most talked about purchases at dollar stores are those that are horrible. We’ve all seen or heard of horrible purchases people made at dollar stores. Dollar store purchases have a bad rap for being low quality. In reality, not everything at the dollar store is low quality. There are lots of dollar store bargains.


Dollar store bargains vary from store to store. Some stores may have items that other stores do not have, you have to take a look at what is available at your local dollar stores. My local dollar store has lots of things for parties and celebrations. These are some of the things I have found to be my favorite party related dollar store bargains at my local dollar store.


Mylar Balloons
My local dollar store carries Mylar balloons. They have lots of colors, shapes and themes. Around holidays they even have some really cute characters and specialty shaped balloons. The selection is pretty great and you can’t beat the price. Why pay four dollars or more for a balloon when you can get them for just one dollar. You can do a whole bouquet for the price of two somewhere else. Mylar balloons are definitely dollar store bargains.


Holiday Decorations
Have you seen the holiday decoration items available at dollar stores? There are usually all sorts of streamers, balloons, garlands, paper signs, banners and more of the disposable holiday decorating items. I love picking up these kinds of items at the dollar store, total dollar store bargains.


Greeting Cards
There is always a nice selection of greeting cards at my local dollar store. Greeting cards, especially birthday cards attached to gifts, are often read and tossed. Spending only a dollar on one is so much cheaper than the prices at grocery or discount stores. Greeting cards are another of my favorite dollar store bargains.


Gift Wrap and Bags
I love buying gift wrap supplies at my local dollar store. Gift bags and fluff to go inside are my favorites. I can usually get a cute bag for any occasion and then find fluff or tissue paper to go inside it. Gift wrap is another thing that is usually tossed so spending too much on it seems like a waste of money. I love these dollar store bargains.


Party Supplies
Does your dollar store have party supplies? My local dollar store has birthday party supplies and supplies for all sorts of other parties. They have all sorts of plates, cups, napkins and more décor with fun prints and themes – even some that the kids will love! There are all kinds of supplies for fancier parties and events. Colored or clear plates, cups, utensils, serving pieces and more can be found at my dollar store. They have clear plastic plates and cups that are pretty enough to use for weddings and other fancy events. These items are dollar store bargains for sure.


Do these dollar store bargains sound good to you? Have you thought about what quality dollar store bargains are available at the dollar store? If so, stay tuned this week as we talk more about shopping at dollar stores.

Keeping New Year’s Resolutions!

New Year’s resolutions


It is one week into the new year and as usual there is a lot of talk about resolutions. Making New Year’s resolutions is a tradition that has been around for many years. People make New Year’s resolutions for a variety of things but they are usually all made with very good intentions. Some people want to develop healthier habits, others want to spend more quality time with loved ones, and others want to make better financial decisions. The good ideas behind the New Year’s resolutions go on and on – there are lots of ways people want to improve their lives. Sometimes making the New Year’s resolutions is much easier than actually keeping those New Year’s resolutions.


Keeping New Year’s resolutions can be a very difficult task. All of the good ideas behind the resolutions might not be enough to drive people to keep the resolutions. This happens for a variety of reasons but usually the resolutions are too complicated or broad. Often times the New Year’s resolutions are great ideas that haven’t been fully planned or thought out past the first idea. There are a few things to keep in mind when making, or modifying, current New Year’s resolutions.


Be Realistic
It is really important to make realistic New Year’s resolutions. It can be easy to think big and plan huge New Year’s resolutions. If you make New Year’s resolutions that are unrealistically hard or big, you are setting yourself up for defeat. Make sure the New Year’s resolutions and goals you set are within your reach, even if they require hard work.


Be Specific
If you make New Year’s resolutions that are too broad and unspecific, you will have a hard time taking steps to keep them. For example, instead of saying you will improve your financial situation, be specific and say you will pay off a certain amount on your credit cards. Specific New Year’s resolutions are much easier to complete because you will be able to see specific steps that will measure progress.


Small Steps
When you have specific New Year’s resolutions, you will be able to make specific steps that will help you keep your New Year’s resolutions. Make sure these steps are small and easily defined. It is encouraging when you can check things off your list, no matter what you are doing. Having your resolution broken into small, attainable steps will help you progress and keep your New Year’s resolutions.


Visible Reminders
Consider having a visible reminder of your New Year’s resolutions. Write yourself a note on your bathroom mirror, tape an encouraging reminder to the visor in your car, or do something else that you will see frequently. Visually reminding yourself of your New Year’s resolutions will help you keep them in your thoughts and make them easier to keep.


Checks and Balances
Sometimes having another person who is aware of your New Year’s resolutions will be a motivator to keeping them. If you are trying to lose weight, having a friend who you can report your progress to will help you stay on track. If you are tempted to spend unneeded money, texting a friend who can remind you of your New Year’s resolutions may keep you from spending.


These are just a few of the many ideas to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions. Have more ideas to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions? Let us know! We love to hear from you!

Donate unused items!

donate unused items
January is a great time to declutter. We talked about making room for all of the new gift items and getting rid of unused items. I mentioned how I like to sell anything that I can but that sometimes I have items in good condition that I just don’t want to sell for some reason or another. I donate these items. There are lots of different ways to donate unused items. You might be surprised at all of the different ways and places you can donate unused items. Sometimes being creative with your donations can help you get rid of things more easily.


There are so many ways and places to donate unused items. Most of us probably think first or only of the main thrift store in our area. Sometimes that mental block may keep us from donating or decluttering to the max. It is great to donate to thrift stores but lots of other places are thrilled when people donate unused items. Expanding your list of donation possibilities and increase your decluttering – you’ll be glad you did! Here are a few donation ideas for when it is time for you to donate unused items.


Friends and Family
Many times we look right past our friends, family and neighbors when we donate unused items. If you have something you think others might want, put the word out and see if anyone could use it. Make a few phone calls or just put it on Facebook. You might have just what someone close to you needs.


Thrift Stores
I think this is the most popular way to donate unused items. There are often many different thrift stores that can take donations. Thrift stores may be affiliated with churches, charities and other organizations. Ask around, you may be surprised at how many thrift stores are in your area. Sometimes spreading the love to the less donated to thrift stores is a nice way to donate unused items.


Homeless and Women’s Shelters
Is there a homeless or women’s shelter near you? Shelters love donations of gently used items and usually have wish lists posted online or available for pick up. Toys, clothing, housewares are all things that shelters can use. If you are going to donate unused items, this is a wonderful kind of donation to make.


Have you thought about your local school when you donate unused items? There are lots of items that you might be able to donate to a classroom. If you have something you think could be used in a classroom, contact your local school and ask how to do it. Some schools will just let you bring it in and others may have you bring a note in to post in the teacher’s lounge. With budgets tight, teachers really appreciate help from parents and friends.


Daycares and Preschools
Preschools and daycares are another great option when you donate unused items. You might be surprised how many of your unused items can be used by these places. Even though daycares and preschools charge tuition, there never seems to be enough money to do everything. If you have items these places could use, they’d love it if you chose to donate unused items to them.


Churches and Religious Organizations
Can any of your unused items be used by your church or another religious organization? When you donate unused items don’t forget to think about these groups. They are often strapped for funds and donations are very welcome. You may find some great ways to donate unused items.


I’m sure there are many more ways and places to donate unused items than the ones I have mentioned here. Want to share your ideas? Let us know. We love to hear from you.

Get rid of unused items!

Product Details

Last week we talked about organizing all of those new Christmas gifts. I told you about how hard it used to be for me to put all of the new gifts away until I developed a system to make it easier. When you are making room for the new items, it is a great time to get rid of unused items or replaced items. I love this part of putting all of the Christmas gifts away. I think it feels great and I love anything that helps declutter my house.


When I was younger I really believed that a bit of clutter didn’t bother me. I don’t know if it is because I am older or because my kids are older or what the change is but now clutter really bothers me. As I begin to put away all of the new gifts from Christmas I see the potential for adding to clutter. To keep from adding to the clutter I take a few minutes and get rid of unused items. This makes room for new gift items and may even free up some extra space. It doesn’t take very long to get rid of unused items if you have a system and a plan. I have a few tips that help me when I get rid of unused items and reduce the clutter around my house.



Sometimes it is easier to have a location where you temporarily place when you begin to get rid of unused items. This is a lot like a central holding area where you gather the unused items in preparation to sort them and get rid of them. Sometimes you have enough time to remove something from its place but not get it 100% ready to go. I have a Rubbermaid tote in the garage that I use for this purpose. Anything that helps me get rid of unused items and declutter is a bonus, so this small step is a good one.


Online yard sales and physical yard sales are a great way to get rid of unused items. If I have an item that is in good condition and of decent value, I try to sell it. It is always nice to get a little bit of money when I am trying to get rid of unused items.


Sometimes I have items in good condition that I just don’t want to sell for some reason or another. I donate these items. There are lots of different ways to donate items. You might be surprised. We’ll talk about that in a blog later this week.


This is a fun way to get rid of unused items. Sometimes an unused item can be used in a new way which can save you money. Repurposing an item can be a great way to get rid of unused items while helping you save money by not needing to buy something new.


If you can’t sell something, donate or repurpose it, can you recycle it? When you start to get rid of unused items and have to dispose of something, try to recycle it. I always feel a bit better about getting rid of something if I can recycle it.


Throw Away
The last resort when you are trying to get rid of unused items is to throw them away. I usually hate to throw things away but if I have gone through all of the other options, I do it. It is better to throw unused items away than to keep the clutter in your house.


Do you have more ideas to help get rid of unused items? Let us know, we love to hear from you!

Organize your holiday décor!

organize your holiday décor


Christmas is behind us, the holidays are over, and most of us have “undecked” our halls. Have you taken down your holiday décor yet? I just finished taking mine down. The hardest part of taking down the décor can be putting it all away. It used to be one of my most dreaded tasks of the holiday season. After many years of stress I learned that if you organize your holiday décor it is so much easier.


I’m not sure why I didn’t think to get a system earlier; taking time to organize your holiday décor seems like a no brainer. I used to have a bunch of random boxes and just tossed everything in wherever it would fit. Sometimes I’d end up with more décor than boxes and I’d have to start over again. Once I decided to get organized and get a system it was so much easier. Here are the tips I have to help you organize your holiday décor and make “undecking” your halls easier.


Get good containers
I decided to purchase some Rubbermaid totes for all of my Christmas décor and I am so glad I did. The totes stack easily because they are all the same size and shape. They are sturdy and keep the décor from getting crushed. The plastic also protects the décor from damage. Strong cardboard boxes would also work. Getting good containers is the first step to help you organize your holiday décor.


Wrap and protect
When putting your holiday décor away, be sure to wrap and protect your décor. It is so sad when you are unboxing your holiday décor and you come across a favorite decoration that was broken in storage. It only takes a few minutes to protect your décor. Use bubble wrap and paper towels or paper napkins to protect and separate décor items. This simple step helps organize your holiday décor and keep it safe.


Time savers
Spend a few extra minutes as you organize your holiday décor and do things to make decorating easier next winter.   Doing small things like winding lights on cardboard instead of just tossing them in the box will save so much time when you are ready to use them again. Saving time is another bonus when you organize your holiday décor.


Make needed repairs
If your kids are at all like mine, some of your décor gets broken, ridded or torn during the holiday season. It is so much easier to repair the décor before you put it away than it will be when you take it out next winter. This is another way to organize your holiday décor and save time later.


Put things used together in the same box
This is probably the most helpful thing I have found when it comes to trying to organize your holiday décor. All of the décor that goes on the Christmas tree goes in the same few boxes. All of the linens and fabric items go in another box. The décor that is used together should be stored together. This makes decorating and then packing the décor later so much easier.


Label boxes very specifically
Once you have the boxes packed, put a label on the box and list the contents. Labels can be simple, just make sure they are very detailed. I use duct tape and a sharpie to label my boxes. If you are very detailed, you can organize your holiday décor and make it simple to use. When boxes are labeled you know which box to grab when you need to decorate a certain area. When packing your décor away, you’ll know what goes in each box. If you organize your holiday décor like this, it becomes so easy to use.


Toss or donate unused décor
One last tip is to toss or donate unused décor. There is always that one item or two that you haven’t used in years. Maybe you don’t really like it or perhaps you just don’t want it. Stop storing it and get rid of it. Donate it if possible, but if not, throw it out. Don’t store clutter.


Hopefully these tips will help you organize your holiday décor. Have a tip we didn’t mention? Let us know. We love to hear from you!

Organize those new gifts!

organize those new gifts



Christmas is over and if you are at all like me, you are facing the “put it all away” part of the holidays. This part drives me truly crazy, I really, really dislike it! You might think I am talking about the chore of taking down the decorations but I am not. That part doesn’t bother me too much. I’m talking about putting away all of the new gifts that my family received. When it is time to organize those new gifts, I can get really stressed out.


Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining. I love the gifts we receive. I love the gifts I give my kids. We are very blessed. When it comes to putting it all away, I have found that just tossing everything into the kids’ rooms doesn’t work for me. I need to feel like I am making a preemptive strike at the clutter. (Containing and curbing the clutter is one of my New Year’s resolutions!) In the past couple of years I have found that it really does help to organize those new gifts before you try to put them away.


There are a few things I do that seem to really help. When it is time to organize those new gifts, if I start with these simple things, it is so much easier. Below are my tips to help you organize those new gifts too.


Get rid of packaging
All too often we are tempted to put items away in the packaging. Toys come in boxes that they don’t really need to be kept in and often the boxes just take up extra space. The same goes for so many other gifts we receive. Occasionally, a gift may need to remain in the packaging or it may come in a perfect storage container, those gifts are the exception to this rule. The first step to organize those new gifts is to get rid of that unneeded packaging.


Figure out where the gifts are going to go
You might be tempted to just send all of an individual’s gifts to their room, I know I feel that way. That really is not always the best solution. Sometimes gifts will be used in another room, or part of the house. Those gifts are better when put away where they will be used. It might make more sense to store the new video games with the rest of the video game equipment for example.
Once you figure out what room the gifts belong in, figure out where in that room they will go. Does that gift go on a shelf, in a closet, under a bed? In order to organize those new gifts, you will need to decide where they all go.


Put things in space saving containers
Once you’ve decided where all the new gifts go, you need to organize those new gifts into space saving containers. Some gifts won’t need containers but many will need them. These containers can be something you have around the house or something inexpensive from the dollar store. Don’t spend a lot of money to organize those new gifts. Simple shoe boxes can maximize shelf space and allow for multiple items to be stored in one area. Using storage containers also keeps multiple pieces of your gift together. Toys are a great example of this. If a toy train set can be stored in a small box, all of the parts will stay together and be so much easier to store. Space saving containers can be a huge part to being successful when you organize those new gifts.


Label everything
If you start to organize those new gifts, you want them to stay that way right? I know I do! I have found that if I label containers, shelves, spots in closets, whatever and wherever, things tend to stay more organized. Toy closets, kitchen cupboards, bathroom shelves, label whatever you put away and label its location. Kids and spouses can see where things go easily. This is another great step to help you successfully organize those new gifts.


Get rid of unused things
This is another big step when you organize those new gifts. It is a great time to get rid of unused or replaced items. Watch our blog next week for a blog or two on this subject.

Get a Target Red Card and get FREE shipping plus 5% off!

Target Red Card

Christmas shopping season is over for now. We conquered Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and all the other “days” that exist in the holiday shopping season. There were SO many great deals and so many ways to get great deals. Sometimes I feel like I get a little spoiled during the holiday shopping season and then when it is over, I feel just a bit bummed about it. There were lots of great promos this year. One of my favorites was Target’s free shipping on any order promo. Were you able to take advantage of that promo? I did and it was awesome. It was nice to find something I wanted and just be able to order it without worrying about any shipping charges. Were you sad when Target’s shipping charges went back to normal? Did you know there is still a way to get all of your Target orders shipped to you for free? There is! You get free shipping on any order with the Target Red Card.


Lots of retailers have store credit cards that come with different perks like points back and discounts. Very few offer the perks you can get for having a Target Red Card. Customers paying for their purchases with a Target Red Card get FREE shipping on any order from Using a Target Red Card to pay will also get you an additional 5% off your purchase. If that isn’t enough, you will also get an 30 extra days for returns!


These Target Red Card perks sound great don’t they? Add those perks to a super easy online application process and having a Target Red Card sounds like a no brainer. There is actually one decision you need to make before signing up for a Target Red Card. Target offers a Target Red Card in the form of a credit card and a debit card. They are very different so it is important to decide which you want and sign up for the right card. You can compare the cards below:


Target Debit Card

  • Works like a check by drawing from your existing checking account
  • No annual fee
  • Secured PIN access
  • Cash withdrawal up to $40 at checkout in store

Target Credit Card

  • Charge your Target and purchases
  • No annual fee
  • Manage account and make payments online


Most people pick just one of the Target Red Card but I do know a few people who have both. I personally use the Target Red Card debit card. I love how easy it is to use and I love that there are no monthly bills to remember to pay. It works just like using the regular debit card from my bank. Such an easy way to save money! Free shipping and 5% off can really add up after even a few small purchases.


Have you decided to get a Target Red Card? The online application process is really very quick and easy. Most of the time you will get an instant decision on your Target Red Card application and you will be able to shop right away. Some Target Red Card debit applications may take a few days, depending on your bank. Whichever you choose, get a Target Red Card and enjoy the savings and free shipping.


Make the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies!

chocolate chip cookies

It’s New Year’s Eve, are all of your party treats ready? If you a looking for a great last minute treat, these chocolate chip cookies are the best!


I will admit, I don’t do a lot of baking. It is not one of my favorite things. But when I actually do bake, I try to find the best recipes and use those. I definitely have some favorites. For the longest time, I have had a select few that I treasure. I even have some that I have kept top secret. My chocolate chip cookies come from one of those kinds of recipes. My chocolate chip cookies are actually pretty well known and they are requested all of the time. When I go to a party it seems people always ask me to bring my chocolate chip cookies. For years I have touted my recipe as “Top Secret” and kept those famous chocolate chip cookies as my “thing”. Today I decided to share that recipe with you all so everyone can make awesome chocolate chip cookies.


Guess what? My recipe for chocolate chip cookies isn’t really that big of a secret! It is right from NESTLÉ and was originally featured in a magazine ad. It is all over the internet now and anyone can make great chocolate chip cookies if they follow this EASY recipe. Try them! You will love them – so moist and good. These chocolate chip cookies are the best.



  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 pkg. (4 serving size) instant vanilla, butterscotch or chocolate pudding mix
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 large egg white
  • 2 cups (12-oz. pkg.) NESTLÉ TOLL HOUSE Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels



PREHEAT oven to 350° F.


COMBINE flour and pudding mix in small bowl. Beat butter in large mixing bowl on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Beat in brown sugar and baking soda until well combined. Beat in egg and egg white. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in morsels. Drop dough by rounded teaspoon 2 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheets.


BAKE for 10 to 12 minutes or until set. Cool on baking sheets 2 to 3 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Do you have a gift closet? Restock it now!

gift closet



Christmas is over. We’ve given all the gifts. We’ve unwrapped all of our gifts. Gift season is over for a while, or is it? No way! The clearance sales are beginning and there are great deals to be found almost everywhere. Now is the perfect time to buy gifts for those upcoming birthdays, holidays, weddings, baby showers and other events. I like giving really nice gifts, I love seeing someone wowed over I gift I gave or a present they received. Their joy just makes me so happy. So for me, this can get really expensive if I am not careful. This time of year with the clearance sales and huge markdowns is perfect for a crazy gift giver like me! It helps me avoid breaking the bank while giving all of these great gifts because I restock my gift closet.

A lot of people have useable food storage or a stockpile. They pay a great price now and use it later when it would be more expensive to buy it. I apply this same principle to gifts. I find great deals on awesome gift items now that I will use later as great gifts. It is what allows me to give crazy good gifts at discount store prices. It is easy to do and can help you save lots of money. After Christmas sales are a great place to start if you haven’t done this before. A few tips can make this an easy thing to do.


Decide where you are keeping your gift closet and prepare a place.
A gift closet doesn’t have to actually be in a closet, any designated place works. Just make sure you pick a good place and use it. It is what will make your gift closet work well for you or drive you crazy. Whenever you purchase an item for the gift closet put it right where it goes. Hiding things all over the house leads to lost gifts and gifts being seen by the kids and spouse ahead of time. I have some large plastic totes on a shelf in my garage. The gift items go in the totes the same day I buy them.


Keep an inventory.
I’ll admit I don’t always do this. I will also tell you that it is 100x easier when I actually do keep a quick list of the items in my gift closet. You avoid overbuying and know what you can give before you even start looking through the items in your gift closet.


Know your gift recipient base.
Think about who you give gifts to and the situations in which you’ll be giving them. Think about relatives’ ages and likes. Think about the ages of friends and potential birthday parties. Knowing who you will be giving future gifts to will help you grab those bargains to stock your gift closet and use as great gifts later.


Know where and how to shop.
Have a favorite item to gift? Do you know when it goes on sale? Do you know where the sale and clearance departments are at your favorite stores? When you are out shopping, take a look at the clearance and sale items. Swing by the toy department and watch for clearance bargains. Check those Christmas clearance sales, right now is a great time to grab gift items.

Don’t forget to shop online for your gifts. There are always great deals on Pinching Your Pennies that would perfect gift closet items.

When you have a really good grasp on building up your gift closet you’ll be great at spotting items for gifting events that are months away. This is why it is important to know your recipient base like I mentioned above. It is easy once you start.


Know your budget.
Don’t spend too much trying to build a gift closet quickly. Overspending and breaking your budget, especially now after Christmas, will defeat the purpose of building up a gift closet.


Include giftwrap and cards.
Pretty simple tip but it can save you big. Pick up some non-seasonal wrapping paper, gift bags and cards when you see them on these great after Christmas sales. Keep it all together with the gift closet or in another easy to find place.


Have fun and enjoy giving the gifts.
That’s the whole point of creating a gift closet. Enjoy giving your gifts and have fun buying them.

Grab those Christmas clearance items!

Christmas clearance items

Remember when we talked about how much I LOVE Christmas? I absolutely love this holiday. I love the the family fun, the decorations, the happy kids, the gifts, the candy – all of it! It is just so much fun. I’m guilty of buying too many funs things for Christmas. But I am also guilty of buying lots of fun Christmas things for AFTER Christmas. I love Christmas clearance items!


I know some of you are shaking your heads in agreement. You know exactly what I am talking about. But I am sure there are some of you wondering what I could be talking about. Why would I want a bunch of Christmas stuff when the holiday is over? Why would Christmas clearance items excite me? What could I be doing? The answer is easy – LOTS of things, a little bit of everything and anything. Sound intriguing? I think it is.


The truth is there are Christmas clearance items in so many departments. Items you have thought of and others you have not thought of – they are Christmas themed and go on clearance. The discounts can be huge. And most of the items have uses beyond December 25th. These are just a few of my favorites:


Gift Wrap and Cards
This is my favorite item to grab when I spot a good sale with Christmas clearance items. There are so many different uses for cute gift wrap. Wrapping paper, bows, gift bags, tags, tissue paper and more – there are so many great items on clearance now. Grab year round colors for use around the year and grab some cute paper for next Christmas. Pick up blank, non-seasonal cards for use year round or pick up next year’s Christmas cards. You’ll be glad you did!


I remember talking about Christmas clearance items and candy with an old neighbor one time. I was shocked when she talked about buying the candy and putting it away for next year. No, nope, eeewwww, icky, that’s not what I mean here. No way. Candy is candy and it can be used for lots of things past Christmas. Think of upcoming birthday parties, classroom parties and other places you’ll need some sweets. Grabbing cheap clearance candy now can be a huge money saver later. Grab Christmas colored M&Ms and use them on Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day. There are lots of candy items that can be used beyond December 25th.


There are lots of Christmas clearance items in the clothing department. I love to watch the sweaters and pajamas go on clearance. There always seems to be some at our local WalMart and lots of solid colors or designs. That’s not just for Christmas! Another of my favorites is socks. There are often packs of socks/stockings/tights that are in colors, patterns or prints that work beyond Christmas.


These Christmas clearance items are great finds! There are two kinds to watch for and finding both is awesome. There are lots of little toys that are used as a non-candy alternative to stocking stuffers. Those make great birthday and classroom holiday party handouts. The other toys to watch for are regular toys packaged with a Christmas theme. These make great gifts and often it is just the wrapping that is Christmas themed.


There are lots of décor items out around Christmas that can be used all winter. Winter décor involves the same snowflakes and snowmen. Watch for items to use all year too. Also watch for Christmas clearance items to decorate with next Christmas. Sometimes you are lucky enough to snag that décor that was just too pricey before Christmas.


Grocery items
There are lots and lots of grocery items packaged for Christmas. Cookies, cake mix, brownie mix, frosting, marshmallows, cereal, the list goes on and on. Most of these are no different than the regularly packaged items. Grab them when you see them with the other Christmas clearance items.


Paper products
Plates, napkins, cupcake liners, party décor – there are so many Christmas clearance items to choose from in the party supply aisle. Save some Christmas themed items for next year. The prices are low and no one will care if you serve next years’ treats in goodie bags you bought this year. Grab some solid colored items to use at other events. Red plates and napkins work well for Valentine’s Day. Green plates and napkins will be fun at that St. Patrick’s Day party.


See why I love the Christmas clearance items? They have so many uses. Do you grab some Christmas clearance items that we forgot to mention? Let us know!


Making Homemade Gift Tags!

Product Details


Last week I talked about wrapping gifts and my love of wrapping paper and wrapping accessories. I love pretty paper and I love pretty bows, tags and fluff. I talked about making homemade wrapping paper and all of the fun things to do with it. (Find those blogs HERE and HERE.) All of the thinking about homemade wrapping paper made me think more about homemade gift tags. I’ve bought pretty gift tags before and loved them. I’ve also made my own tags before too. Those were some REALLY fun things to make. If you thought brainstorming about making homemade wrapping paper was fun, get ready to talk about homemade gift tags. Making and giving homemade gift tags is a ton of fun!


When it comes to making homemade gift tags, almost anything goes. There are so many options. Homemade gift tags can be anything from paper to wood to cookies! Remember to avoid anything too fragile, like glass, or anything that could be dangerous. Here are some great ideas for homemade gift tags. You can use these ideas alone or combine them and make some really fun homemade gift tags.


Scrapbook paper
Scrapbook paper is the easiest and most popular way to make homemade gift tags. Layer a few fun pieces and embellish with fun decorations for unique tags that look great on any gift.


Using cardstock will make your homemade gift tags more rigid and easier to decorate. If you are going to add embellishments, using cardstock for your homemade gift tags is a great idea.


I have seen some awesome homemade gift tags that were made with cardboard. Both thin cardboard and thicker corrugated cardboard can be used to make really cute tags. This is a great time to dig into your recycling pile for craft supplies.


Online printables
If you do a quick online search for homemade gift tags, you will see LOTS of free printable ideas and templates. There are even full color printables that you can print, cut, and use. Try these printables layered with some of the other papers mentioned above.


Greeting cards
Reuse old greeting cards and turn them into really cute homemade gift tags. I know people who save all of their Christmas cards each year to reuse and craft with the following year. When you layer the greeting cards onto other papers, it won’t matter if there is writing or print inside the card.


Family photos or other fun photos can turn homemade gift tags from drab to fab. Find a fun photo and print off small wallet sized pictures to use as homemade gift tags. You can even have them printed at a photo lab.


Small drawings look great on homemade gift tags. Just like with the photos, print off small wallet sized pictures or have them printed at a photo lab. Even artwork done by children looks great on homemade gift tags.


There are so many great ideas for making homemade gift tags that I am breaking it into two days. Stay tuned tomorrow for more great ideas! Have some ideas to share? Let us know, we love to hear from you.

Are you ordering meats from Zaycon Foods?

Are you busy with all of the normal holiday activities? Is it hard to find the time to think about other things? It is for me! Sometimes the busy holiday season makes it hard to do some of the other things we usually do like bargain hunting and shopping. There is one great way to save money that that I want take a few minutes to talk about because the clock is ticking on some of the deals. This is by far one of my favorite money saving things – I love ordering meats from Zaycon Foods. It saves money and I think the products they sell are really great!


Why would someone buy from Zaycon Foods? For me, there are so many reasons. They sell great fresh meats including chicken, beef, turkey, pork and fish. I think buying meat in bulk saves money and time. My reasons sound a lot like the three great reasons that Zaycon lists on their website:

1) Quality: We only sell what we eat ourselves— high-quality, healthy food products
2) Price: Fresh, high-quality retail food products sold for wholesale prices
3) Customer Service: Exceptional service all along the way, from order to reminder to convenient, efficient pickup.


I have to say that I agree with what they claim. Their meats really do seem to be top quality and their customer service it great! It is so easy to get the great deals from Zaycon. You go online to and place your order. You will love how much great food you can get for such low prices. On the day of your local Zaycon sales event, you bring your order confirmation to your pick up location and you get your fresh, delicious, nutritious food!



Details about two of the most popular Zaycon products:


The Zaycon chicken breasts are sold by the case. Each case weighs 40 pounds and includes four separate bags of chicken breasts, which are not always sealed and not uniform in weight.  The larger outer bag is sealed in the cardboard case. The chicken is 100% natural chicken with no added hormones, additives or artificial ingredients. The chicken is fresh directly from the farm to the sales event and has never been frozen.


The Zaycon ground beef is fresh 93/7 and super lean. It is 100% grown in the USA. There is no pink slime in the Zaycon ground beef. There are no chemicals, additives or water added to meat during processing. The beef cattle have a grass diet which is supplemented by grain after they reach approximately 700 pounds.



Available for ordering now from Zaycon:

A few of these deliver in the next few days – there is still time to order them!

* Fresh Ground Beef, Lean (93/7) – 40 lbs
$4.49/lb | $179.60/case

* Carvemaster Boneless Applewood Smoked Ham
$3.89/lb | $85.58/case

* Zaycon Vanilla Premium Belgian Waffles (96 ct)

* Zaycon Maple Premium Belgian Waffles (96 ct)

* Fully Cooked Breaded Chicken Strip Fritter
$3.89/lb | $77.80/case

* Frozen Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Fillets
$8.99/lb | $224.75/case

* Frozen Premium Alaskan Cod
$5.49/lb | $137.25/case

* Fully Cooked Maple Chicken Sausage Patties
$3.79/lb | $37.90/case

* Bacon – Hickory Smoked, Medium Sliced – 36 lbs
$3.79/lb | $136.44/case

* Pork Sausage Links
$2.89/lb | $57.80/case

Zaycon LINK


Have you heard about the Amazon Prime FREE trial?

Simplify the Season with Prime

Holiday shopping is in full swing. We’ve just shopped through Pre Black Friday, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Cyber Week – whew! Are you exhausted? I know I am! But am I all shopped out? Are you all shopped out? No way! There is so much more good shopping news! The first bit of good shopping news is here – The deals are just getting started on and they have been really quite good. If you have Amazon Prime you can snag all of these deals, one by one, as they come up without waiting to meet the $35 free shipping threshold. If you don’t have Amazon Prime, consider getting it. Have you heard about the Amazon Prime FREE trial?


Thinking about trying Amazon PrimeThere is a 30 day Amazon Prime FREE trial available! This would be an awesome time to try Amazon Prime. With the Amazon Prime Free Trial you would be able to grab all of the great Amazon deals that pop up in the shopping days ahead. Lots of times these deals are cheap and they go fast. Having the Amazon Prime Free Trial will allow you to snag them one by one. Amazon Prime Free Trial members enjoy all the same benefits as paid members. If you sign up today, your FREE trial will take you through the post-holiday clearance shopping period.


Signing up for the 30 day Amazon Prime FREE trial is easy! Just follow any of the links here in this blog and look for the Start Your 30-day Free Trial button. To sign up for the Amazon Prime free trial, your account must have a current, valid credit card. While you won’t be charged for your free trial, you will be automatically upgraded to a paid membership plan at the end of the trial period. It is easy to turn off your Amazon Prime membership renewal on the Amazon website.


Beyond the FREE Two-Day shipping there are so many more benefits to having the Amazon Prime Free Trial. They include Unlimited Photo Storage, Prime Instant Video, Prime Music, and access to the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. The savings can be HUGE! It is a perfect time to try the Amazon Prime Free Trial. You’ll be able to take advantage of all of the great deals we will bring you, and not worry about paying shipping.


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